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March minutes 2023 - Posted May 3, 2023

Brevard Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors

Business Meeting Minutes


The Brevard Soil and Water Conservation District met in regular public session on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, at 3:58 p.m., at UF/IFAS Extension Brevard Co., at 3695 Lake Drive, Cocoa, FL.


Chairman Bud Crisafulli ask Jim Fletcher to lead the meeting.

Board members present:

Bud Crisafulli, Chair

Jim Fletcher, Supervisor

Brian Fleming, Supervisor

Billy Kempfer, Secretary

Chris McMaster, Treasurer

Staff members present:

Beth Shephard, Brevard County Extension Director

Joe Walter, UF IFAS Ag Agent

Derrick Wyle, USDA NRCS, District Conservationist



Guests present:                         Walter Albarran

                                                    Terry Williams

Valerie Citta

Sheila Theus

Presented Documents.

  • Written Minutes for February 2023
  • Request of financial support for the 4-H Poultry auction
  • Memorandum of Understanding between Brevard BOCC, USDA, and BCSWCD
  • Conservation Plan for Canaveral Marsh dated 2001

Review and Approval of the Current Treasurer’s Report.


  • The balance was $46,501.87 as of February 28,2023
  • Chris McMaster, new Treasurer has check book and has setup on-line banking.
  • Motion by Billy Kempfer, seconded by Brian Fleming to accept Treasure’s report, motion carried.


Review and Approval of Minutes for the prior Board of Supervisors meeting.


  • Motion to approve February’s minutes by Jim Fletcher, seconded by Brian Fleming. Motion carried.


Staff Update


·        Derrick Wyle, USDA NRCS, District Conservationist, presented a report on the Equip programs, Hurricane relief programs ($192,000 of contracts in Brevard County pre-approved), District 3 has $3 million available, and a special program to assist producers to plant legumes into pasture grasses(at a rate of $215 – $258 per acre). Joe Walter will assist Derrick with getting the word out to the farmers (deadline for applications is March 24, 2023). Beth suggested that we could use Everbridge to help get the notification out.

·        Derrik Wyle announced the establishment of Women in Agriculture branch in Brevard County.

·        Walter Albarran announced that $6,800,000 of pre-approved hurricane relief for this District.

·        There will be a workshop via ZOOM on Tuesday, March 16, on these USDA programs.

Old BSWCD Meeting Business


·        Beth Shephard, County Extension Director, gave an update on Brevard County’s provided staff to assist the Board. No staff has been hired but the proposed job description was presented. Discussion on the time allocation between BSWCD and Extension Education, Beth suggesting 25-50% for BSWCD with the remaining time for education. No time would be allocated for writing Conservation Plans, but time will be allocated to inspect/verify work specified in Conservation Plans.

·        Valerie Citta stated that Brevard Natural Resources is willing to work with prolonged recertifications of Conservation Plan Work required for Agricultural Exemption for Storm Water so that NRCS is able to meet their priorities.

  • Rent Check for the Canaveral Cattle Lease was received and given to the new Treasurer for deposit.
  • Sheila Theus, SJWMD Director of Real Estate Services Program explained the history and nature of the Inter Agency Agreement between the SJRWMD and the BCSWCD as well as the Grazing lease with The Fleckinger’s for the property referred to as Canaveral Marsh. Subject was tabled until next meeting to give time to review the documents.
  • The possibility of rewriting the MOU to make it simpler, clearer, and current with the present situation was discussed and will be explored for future meeting.
  • The planning meeting with Charlene will attempt to be rescheduled for April 12 at 1PM or some other Monday or Wednesday.
  • Chris Denmark, FDACS, was unable to be with us today. Will try to reschedule for April 12 at 4 PM.
  • Jim reminded the board about the UN World Water Day, he suggested that any board member was free to attend, we have literature and rain gauge that can be given out.


New BSWCD Meeting Business

  • Billy Kempfer moved that the district contribute the same amount of money as in the past to help sponsor the Brevard 4-H Chicken Auction. Seconded by Brian Fleming, motion past.



With consensus of the Board, the Acting Chairman Fletcher then adjourned the meeting at 5:44 PM.


Prepared for board review and approval by,



Joe Walter

Acting Secretary